A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Back Massage on The Quality Of Sleep Among The Patients With CABG In A Selected Hospitals Of Rajkot.


  • Prof Chinju Verghese Kannanaickal B

    SMT Mital Y Patel Mahila Nursing College Atkot,Gujarat





Sleep is essential for good health and recovery from illness.Any illness that causes pain, physical discomfort, and depression can result in sleep disturbances. There are several measures like Massage therapy, Music therapy, pharmacotherapy, bright light therapy and yoga's etc. to treat sleeplessness of which therapeutic back massage is considered to be effective methods to induce sleep among patients with CABG.Back Massage release muscle tension and improve balance & coordination, results in more restful sleep and lessen the need for medication.  The accessable population for the study was selected from the Patients with CABG admitted in KDP Hospital, Atkot and Sreeram Hospital Gondal.This population was selected by purposive sampling technique. The total samples under the study were 30 Patients with CABG.In this study data collection was made through structured questionnaire schedule before and after administering the therapeutic back massage which was designed to  evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic back massage on quality of sleep among patients with CABG.Data was analyzed and interpreted by applying statistical methods. Findings of study revealed that, the average Pre-test sleep pattern score was 39.4% and 71.2% in Post-test sleep pattern score obtained by using the St. Mary’s Hospital Structured Questionnaire. However, an enhancement of sleep pattern in terms of St.Mary’s Hospital Structured sleep assessment Questionnaire was found to be 31.8% significant at 5% level of Significance.An  average Pre-test sleep pattern score was 81.3% and 55% in Post-test sleep pattern score obtained by using the Groningen sleep quality scale.However, an enhancement of sleep pattern in terms of Groningen sleep quality scale score was found to be 26.3% significant at 5% level of Significance.The overall findings of the study clearly showed that therapeutic back massage is an effective method to reduce the sleep disturbances during the post operative periods among the patients with Coronory Artery Bypass Graft. 


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How to Cite

A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Back Massage on The Quality Of Sleep Among The Patients With CABG In A Selected Hospitals Of Rajkot. (2024). International Journal of Advanced Medical and Clinical Therapeutics, 1(1), 14-22. https://ijamct.com/ijamct/article/view/2